
Moderating Posts

About posts

Posts form the content that your customers and users submit to the forum. 

In Champ, posting permissions are controlled at the forum level. For more information, please refer to our guide on forums.

Depending on a forum’s permission settings, posts can be created by:

  • Anonymous users
  • Registered users
  • Registered users with specific tag(s)
  • Moderators only

For each post, the poster’s IP address is recorded.

When moderating posts, the moderator can either review posts within Champ’s dashboard, or in the forum itself.

Note: Certain functionalities are only available when the posts are viewed from the forum.

Reviewing latest posts

Note: This functionality is only available in Champ’s dashboard view.

You can conveniently review all the latest posts in the app’s Latest section in the dashboard:

In the Latest Posts view, you can:

  • Edit posts
  • Hide posts
  • View posts (in the forum)
  • Archive posts

Archiving posts will remove the post from the Latest Posts view. It’s recommended that you periodically review posts to ensure that the content submitted by your users are acceptable to your website.

You can also click on the Archive All button, which will archive all posts that are currently visible in the view.

Editing posts

Moderators can edit any post in the forums.

Editing can occur when posts are reviewed in the Latest Posts view (as described above) or in the forum itself.

Click on Edit, and you will be presented with a text field where you can edit the content. You can also edit the date of the post.

In order for moderating functions to appear, you must be logged in and your user account must be tagged appropriately. Please refer to our users guide for more information.

Hiding posts

If a post does not contain appropriate content or you simply want to remove it from a topic, you can hide it. 

Posts cannot be deleted from the system.

When you hide a post, your customers and users will no longer see the post, but any moderator will still be able to see it. Posts that have been hidden will be marked (when viewed by a moderator) as hidden.

Posts can be hidden from the dashboard view and from the forum view. A link is available to hide the post.

Pinning topics

You can pin a topic (ie. make it sticky) to the top of a forum. Good uses for this might be for a topic that contains the rules of that particular forum. 

To pin a topic, click on Pin. This needs to be done from the forum view. Note that you cannot pin topics from the dashboard.

If you have a site-wide message you want to show, there are 2 alternatives:

  • Create a custom pre-header snippet (preferred) – please refer to the customization guide
  • Create multiple topics (with the same message) and pin it on all the forums

Deleting posts

Champ does not recommend that you delete posts. The reason is that sometimes posts can be deleted accidentally. Once deleted, the post cannot be undeleted.

The recommended way to remove a post is to hide it. You can also hide an entire topic by clicking on the Edit button of a topic.

If you really want to delete a post or a topic, simply click on Delete from the forum view and the post will be deleted. Posts can also be deleted from the dashboard when you’re reviewing them in the Latest section.

Only moderators can hide posts and delete posts.

Note: When a moderator/admin hides a post, the post will still be visible to any user with moderator/admin access level. This is to ensure that moderators can unhide posts if it was hidden by mistake. However, regular users (ie. non-moderators) and anonymous users will not be able to see the post.